Saturday 20 September 2014


Over 5000 children from less fortunate families will benefit from a succeed programme in complimentary schools in Mombasa county. 
The children from over 10 complementary schools will gain from the Aga khan foundation. The pilot programme which will be effective from this month and it will last for one year.

 The programme is aimed at providing ksh.450 per student during the three months of the school term in order to help pupils who are at a higher risk of dropping out of school due to lack of school fees.

According to the national chairman of complementary schools association of Kenya Charles Ouma   the initiative was aimed at strengthening the relationship with the ministry of education.
The Association also agreed to train school managers from the complementary schools in order to increase the efficiency of operations in those schools.

According to a  United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) report titled The Extent and Effect of Sex Tourism and Sexual Exploitation of Children on the Kenyan Coast, shows there is a steady rise in school dropouts in the region as girls from poor families fall prey to prostitution. 

The boys have not been spared either as they drop out of school after being lured by rich female tourists, lazing around the beaches.

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