Saturday 12 April 2014


Mchekeshaji na mwanaburudani almarufu teacher wanjiku amejipata tena matatani.
Mchekeshaji huyo ambaye kipindi chake kilisitishwa baada ya kwenda hewani kwa mara ya kwanza na runinga moja nchini Kenya, kwa kutofanya vyema. Inasemekana alitaka kurudi katika Kampuni ya laugh industry inayo ongozwa na mchekeshaji Daniel Ndambuki almarufu churchhill. Kampuni aliyotengana nayo ili kuanzisha kipindi chake ambacho hakikuvutia mashabiki wengi.
Ni hatua hii ambayo imemtamausha kwani churchhill, aliye itambua talanta ya teacher wanjiku, hayuko tayari kumpa nafasi tena. 

Kulingana na duru za kuaminika “laugh industry” iko katika harakati za kupunguza gharama na hivyo basi haina dhamira ya kujiongezea gharama zisizokuwa na manufaa.
Inaaminika wawili hao hawakupatana kwa kile kinachosemekana kuwa Teacher Wanjiku alitaka mengi, ambayo kampuni ya laugh industry haiko tayari kumtimizia.
Kwa sasa kampuni ya laugh industry imewaachishakazi wafanyikazi 50 ili kuboresha vipindi vyao: churchhill show na churchhill raw.
Twamtakia kila la heri!
#Kulingana_ na_ gazeti_ la_ standard

Thursday 10 April 2014


It is of much help in everyday life. The only tool we use when it comes to writing or drawing.  Some say it is just graphite bonded by wood on the outside. Any way that just depends on how you see it. I don’t know how you see it but as for me, it is not just a pencil. It is a collection of life qualities.
First and foremost it is capable of great things so are we. However we need a guiding hand to take us through the journey to greatness. All what a pencil can do depends on the hand that guides it. If it is guided well the end result is a nice piece of art. As for us the guiding hand is God and he always guides us according to his will. If we follow God’s will life in its self will be great to us.
Secondly we all want to be better people. In order to achieve this we have to go through a moulding process which is characterized by pain and sorrow. This can be equated to the many times that we use a sharpener, we make the pencil suffer but afterwards it is sharper. Thus we need a thick skin to appreciate pain and sorrow in order to become better people.
Thirdly the pencil always allows us to use an eraser to rub out any mistakes. As the old adage goes man is to error, therefore correcting something we did is not a bad thing; it helps us be on the right side. So just like a pencil you have a chance to rectify what went a miss that is as long as you are still alive and kicking.
Fourthly what makes a pencil is not the outer cover but what is at its centre. It is the graphite inside that makes a pencil be a pencil or else it would have just been a stick.  So always pay attention to what is happening inside you.  As Mahatma Gadhi puts it “Your beliefs becomes your thought, your thoughts becomes your  words, your words become your action, your actions become your habits, your habits becomes your values, and your values becomes your destiny.
Finally a pencil always leaves a mark. That is exactly what we do in everyday life. Whatever we do leaves a mark, whether positive or negative. So it is up to us to be careful on what we do.