Saturday 27 September 2014


Miss Tourism Kwale county Fatuma Khamisi has accused the county government of abandoning her after her crowning. 
Addressing journalists at Information House, Kwale on Tuesday, she said she has not been involved in marketing the county as promised during her crowning ceremony.
Fatuma further lamented that she was not going to defend since it was of no use.
“I don’t see the important of defending my title because the county government did nothing to allow me play my role even after i spent millions of money for the competition,” Khamisi said

Friday 26 September 2014


The third phase trial of the world most clinically advanced malaria vaccine candidate, known as RTS, has been carried out in Kenya.
The first dose was administered at the Siaya District Hospital recently under the auspices of the Kemri/CDC Research and Public Health Collaboration.

The Kenyan launch follows the initiation of the Phase III trial in Tanzania in May. Two other sites in Kenya, KEMRI/Walter Reed Project in Kombewa, and KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Program in Kilifi, expect to start the Phase III trial in the coming months.
GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, which developed and manufactures the vaccine, and the PATH Malaria Vaccine Initiative (MVI) are sponsoring Kemri/CDC and scientists across Kenya to conduct the trial. It is expected to enrol up to 16,000 children and infants in six other countries throughout Africa. 
Speaking after the administration of the first vaccination at Siaya District Hospital, Dr Mary Hamel, Chief of the Malaria Branch at Kemri/CDC and Principal Investigator of its Phase III malaria vaccine trial said, “This is a very exciting moment, the culmination of over 30 years of intensive research on malaria vaccines. If RTS, works as well as it has in earlier trials, its introduction could result in hundreds of thousands of lives saved. 
For 30 years, the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has collaborated with the Kenya Medical Research Institute (Kemri) to fight malaria. 
Prior research borne from this collaboration resulted in policy supporting the introduction of insecticide-treated mosquito nets, measures to prevent malaria in pregnancy, and improved care and treatment of those with malaria. 
Dr Walter Otieno, the Principal Investigator of the vaccine trial in Kisumu-West District, noted “This is an exciting time for Kenyans and Africa as a whole as we launch the evaluation of the worlds most advanced malaria vaccine candidate. Malaria is a very complex disease and creation of an effective vaccine has been elusive. 
Recent Phase II studies in Kenya and Tanzania showed that RTS, reduced clinical reports of malaria by 53 per cent and has a promising safety and tolerability profile when used alongside standard infant vaccines.
Developing a vaccine against malaria is critical to defeating the disease since it would complement existing interventions, such as bed nets and effective drug therapies.
Despite current control efforts, malaria still kills close to 900,000 people globally each year, with most deaths occurring in Africa among children under the age of five.
In Kenya alone, almost 36,000 children die every year from malaria.
The Phase III trial will demonstrate how the vaccine performs in two groups of children  one aged 6-12 weeks and a second aged 5-17 months in different transmission settings across a wide geographic region.
The study will be conducted in 11 sites in seven African countries. The various research centres selected to oversee the trial were chosen for their track record of world-class clinical research, strong community relations and commitment to meeting the highest international ethical and regulatory standards in conducting research.
This study will be the largest trial conducted in Africa of a vaccine specifically designed to help African children. We have great appreciation for the families and children participating, said Dr Patricia Njuguna, trial Principal Investigator at Kilifi.
Each country involved in the trial has undertaken independent reviews to ensure the trial meets national safety, ethical, and legal standards for medical research.

In addition, there is an independent data and safety monitoring board for the full trial and a local safety monitor will govern each site.

Tuesday 23 September 2014


Mombasa Members of County Assembly has given its unilateral support for the referendum drive under the auspices of the Okoa Kenya banner.
Speaking to journalists today in Mombasa at the County Assembly offices, Tononoka ward representative Saad Faraj and Chief whip Mohammed Ndanda, said Okoa Kenya pesa mashinani is the only forum through which Kenyans can save the gains made through devolution under the current constitution.
“Counties are entitled to adequate funding if  meaningful developments is to be achieved at the grassroots level ,” said Saad, as he was flanked other Mombasa ward representatives.
Apart from solving inadequate funding, the MCA’s are purporting that insecurity will be adequately dealt with if the county’s participation in sensitive matters is acknowledged.
The members said the referendum should be supported by all since it will strengthen the National Land Commission thus giving an opportunity to resolve land injustices in the coastal region.
According to the chief whip and Kadzandani ward representative,Mohammed Ndanda, the referendum will give an opportunity to enshrine in the constitution basic human rights and stamp out heinous acts.
He blamed a section of the security forces for extra judicial killings and carrying out operations which are ill conceived and poorly executed.
The Mombasa MCAs also condemned the insinuations made by Hon. Aden Duale on Hon. Isaac Ruto over alleged misappropriation of county funds
The Chief Whip said the National Assembly’s Leader of Majority utterances were disrespectful and totally uncalled for.  
“Duale must respect the institution of governorship and understand that insulting a Governor is insulting the people of the whole county. He should come out openly and not only apologize to Hon. Isaac Rutto but also to the people of Bomet County and Kenya at large.” Said Saad.

Monday 22 September 2014


Baaadhi makundi ya kina mama kutoka   kaunti ya taita taveta, yameilaumu serikali ya kaunti hiyo kwa kukawia kuwapa mikopo lichaya kuwaahidi na kuwalaumu kina mama hao kutojihusisha na mikopo kama njia mojawapo ya kukabilian na umaskini unaoshamiri kwa joshi katika eneo hilo.
Kulingana na na kundi moja la akina mama hao ni kuwa serikali inawahangaisha mno tangu watume maombi  ya mikopo hiyo mwanzoni mwa maka huu ambapo hadi sasa hawajapata mikopo hiyo
Aidha wameitaka serikali kuanza kutoa mikopo hiyo kwa haraka ili kuwawezesha kukabiliana na  janga la umaskini.
Haya yanajiri baada ya serikali kuunda kamati ya kuwajibikia mikopo hiyo hivi majuzi ikiwemo hazina ya datu sawazisha fund ya kaunti sawia nahazina kutoka kwa serikali kuu ya hazina fund.
Hata hivyo serikali  ya kaunti imekuwa ikiwalaumu kina mama kwa kutijitokeza kwa idadi kubwa kuomba mikopo ili kuinua maisha yao kiuchumi kwa hofu ya kuogopa kushindwa kulipa zabuni ya mikopo hiyo.

KIlifi Deputy Governor Backs Referendum

Kilifi county deputy governor Mr. Kenneth Kamto has called upon Kilifi residents to support the referendum call dubbed “Pesa mashinani “saying it was the key to development.
He said time has come for the county to forge ahead in terms of development thus it was important for the residents to back the exercise to facilitate disbursement of more resources to the county to fund projects.
Speaking in Rabai Sub County during a tree planting exercise, the deputy governor said those against the referendum push were ill informed to frustrate devolution that was meant to bring development to the grassroots level .
Kilifi county deputy governor Mr. Kenneth Kamto adressing residents in rabai
Kilifi county deputy governor Mr. Kenneth Kamto adressing residents in rabai
He said for the past 50- years of independence, no meaningful developments had been initiated in the area because such the decisions depended on the wish of the national government which failed to equally distribute resources.
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