Saturday 28 February 2015


A 20 day filming of another epic series of James Bond 007 is estimated to bring more than 1 million euros to Rome.

According to AP, City officials expect as much as 1 million euros ($1.1 million) in permit fees alone, and that the total boost to the Eternal City could be several times that given the extras, security guards, film crews, catering services and hotels being used.

After surviving the Sony hack, production for the new James Bond thriller "SPECTRE" has moved to Rome, where crowds are gathering to catch a glimpse of 007 and the oldest Bond girl yet, 50-year-old Monica Bellucci.

Details of the plot of the Sam Mendes-directed film had been a well-guarded secret until Bond producer EON Productions acknowledged in December that an early version of the script was among material stolen in the Sony Pictures cyberattack. Details have since circulated online.


Nominated senator Emma Mbura has condemned gayism in the coastal region.
She has termed it as immoral, dirty and a threat to ladies at the coast region.
She further called upon residents to report such cases to the closest police station.


Shika upanga wako hit makers are set to release their new album. According to the Band leader Alfred Mtawali the album will be a fusion of the Giryama and other Kenyan languages.

“Our latest album (Mtawalis Band) is in the cooking, this time its Giryama and a fusion of other Kenyan languages. It will be something you have never heard before. The chivoti, marimba and thupa will be in...unique percussion, I tell you!”

The release date has not yet been disclosed; however an insider said people should look out for something new during the Easter weekend.


After a feud with Lady Gaga Madona has picked another fight.This time it is a battle of the sexes.
In a rolling stone interview Madonna gets candid and decides to share her thought about controversial Kanye West. Here is what she had to say.

"I don't always agree with the things he says or does -- I don’t always like his music, even. But he's a beautiful mess," she comments. "I think he takes award shows too seriously. I never got too engaged with who wins awards or not, because I don’t honestly think it’s that important. ... Don't come to an award show looking for justice!”

Friday 27 February 2015


The rape case facing Bill Cosby has gained more weight. This is after a secret that was held for thirty years was revealed.

Heidi Thomas says she has held a secret for 30 years. Now, for the first time, she wants to be heard.
Her secret is one that may sound familiar as she adds her name to the list of more than 20 women who have spoken out to various media outlets about allegations of sexual misconduct by Bill Cosby.

Thomas' account dates back to 1984. Los Angeles was preparing for the Summer Olympics, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album topped 37 million albums sold and a Hollywood icon was ready to launch a new show that would rewrite television history. Bill Cosby was on the verge of stardom

Heidi Thomas says she met with Bill Cosby in 1984.when she was an aspiring actress but since she was tall enough and had a slender body, her management suggested modeling.

Thomas says her career was picking up in 1984, but she was questioning whether she wanted the lifestyle of a model. That's when the call came from Annie Maloney, an agent with JF Images, who told her there was a very important person in the industry who was "looking for young talent that he can mentor."
She says Maloney told her that she needed to go to Reno, Nevada, because Bill Cosby wanted to work with her -- to coach her and help her act. Maloney died in 1997.

Cosby was performing at Harrah's Hotel and Casino. Thomas says her agent told her she would be staying there and Cosby would probably be doing the coaching in his hotel suite. 

Thomas' mother, Greta Lea Johnson, was concerned about her daughter going to a new city by herself.
Thomas says she was picked up by limousine at the airport in Reno. She questioned the driver because she remembered seeing the city lights behind her as they drove away. Thomas says she was confused because the postcard she bought at the airport showed Harrah's as being in the middle of town.
The driver told her that a friend let Cosby use their house outside Reno so "he doesn't have to deal with all of the paparazzi," Thomas says.

Thomas says Cosby greeted her at the door of the sprawling house, and later, the coaching began.
She says she performed a monologue, and when she finished, Cosby asked her to do a cold read of a person who was intoxicated. 

According to Thomas, Cosby wasn't impressed. Thomas wasn't much of a drinker.

"How are you ever going play an intoxicated person ... if you've never been drunk?" she says he told her.
She says Cosby wanted her to relax, and he gave her a glass of Chablis.

Thomas admits that her memory of the next few hours is "foggy," but she says that at one point, he may have asked her something like, (Are you) "feeling the part now?" or "Feeling the lines now?"

Thomas says that when she woke up, Cosby was next to her in bed, naked and "forcing himself in my mouth." She says she remembers feeling like she wanted to throw up.

Soon after, Thomas says, Cosby was getting on top of her again and referring to himself in the third person.
"I'm your friend ... your friend is gonna (ejaculate) again," Thomas remembers him saying. 

Rather than get angry with Cosby, Thomas says, she made excuses and asked herself, "What's happened? Why am I here? Why is he naked? What did I say? What did I do?"

Thomas says she remembers eventually storming out of the room and slamming the door, and then apologizing for being "rude." The next thing she can remember is riding with Cosby to his show. She says the rest of her memory is spotty: She recalls a cook offering her strawberries and having wine with Cosby before his show. But, she says, she doesn't remember much more from the four-day trip.

Thursday 26 February 2015


Under a campaign theme “HELP A CHILD, TOUCH A HEART” lovers of Bango music in the coastal region will carry out a CSR on the 7th March 2015.
The CSR organized by Baraka Fm’s Roselyn Kakinda will be held at Swabur Orphanage Home. She has since called upon well wishers to donate whatever they can. This includes lightly used clothes, food and cash.

Those who would prefer sending cash, they can do so by sending a Contribution of 200/- to her personal line Roselyn Kakinda, mob no. 0715 479 895. 

“Let's unite and help a needy child and God will reward you for your good work towards the success of our activity. Thank u Spread the gospel "HELP A CHILD, TOUCH A HEART", said the diva in a message sent to over a thousand Bango music fans on Facebook.


Chris Brown’s involvement in crime and spending time in jail may have not gone well with Canadian border officials.

The Grammy-winning R&B singer was scheduled to perform at the Bell Centre in Montreal on Tuesday and the Air Canada Centre in Toronto on Wednesday night. However that did not happen since border officials would not clear him.

That left brown with one option-tweeting.  Brown tweeted Tuesday that he's been denied entry into Canada and that his concerts in Montreal and Toronto have been canceled.

Brown said in the tweet  "good people of the Canadian government wouldn't allow me entry. I'll be back this summer and will hopefully see all my Canadian fans!"

Wednesday 25 February 2015


God save his nose and eyes if he is to take a stroll in the Kenyan urban centers. He will see it all, men and women, young and old axiomatically irrigating walls and bushes. Never mind what position some will have to take to execute the act.
I feel like strangling people with my shoelaces each time I see them going for the shake well or wipe from front to back after use affair.
Men are notorious for this. They have formed an alliance with the devil in crucifying self discipline. I don’t know whether it is because of their ability to aim with their tail or their prowess in hiding it with their palms, that makes them the number one irrigating machines they are. Don’t forget it is with the same hands that they will vigorously shake yours if you happen to meet on the street.
 Anytime they feel their bowl is full, looking for a public toilet doesn’t cross their brains, all they do is unzip and just do the unthinkable to a wall or bush. The end result is a pungent smell hitting their noses when they pass by the same spot. Unashamed they will spit, put their legs apart and do it again. Hallo! Are you a dog marking your territory?
There is no justification to what humans do to walls and trees in the name of freeing themselves. Why should anyone in their sound mind release ammonia to a healthy tree growing on the road side or try to drown a wall in their God knows from where liquid?  It may be the beer they borrowed last night or the mnazi from mama pima. Who knows? Perhaps it is your nose to tell what it was they took.
It is common knowledge that too much of anything is poisonous. So is ammonia, too much of it is harmful to trees. With the increased carbon (IV) oxide in the atmosphere, I don’t know why a full grown man or lady is determined to kill trees-our only way out of global warming.
If you have fallen into this trap I am not sorry to say you are an idiot masquerading in the face of the educated modern man. You are nothing like a modern man. You are a 4B- big baby in a big body for it is only babies who don’t know where to go when the call of nature summons. How else can I call you if not a 4B? If you can take the risk of revealing something that you covered with more than two clothes when you left your house. Then you deserve a far worse name than that.
Bury me alive if you can but your “unavoidable circumstance” excuse sounds avoidable to me. Why should you leave your house without empting the liquid you took? Why should you take excess liquids when you know you won’t be able to access a toilet any time soon? If this is not an indication of lack of discipline and the rottenness of your moral fiber, then I don’t know what is.
However one thing that I am sure of is that I am sick and tired of smelling urine each time I take the shortcut to work. I am tired of your intolerable behavior. It wastes my time when I have to wait for a lady to finish her irrigation session for me to pass.
So keep private what is to be private. Men don’t go showing how your long or fat tails can sprinkle. Ladies undressing is a private matter, do it in your bedrooms or in the toilet if you have to. But for heaven sake tooching and squatting to urinate somewhere else, is one thing you shouldn’t do. Just stop!