Thursday 26 December 2013


Residents at Mavirivirini village, Mwatate location, Kwale County have raised a concern about the poor state of infrastructure in the area.  Mwatate, which is surrounded by rivers, has been without bridges for long.

“We have a big problem when it rains. The river floods and we have no option but wait until it subsides. It has been so since I was young and I have seen no plans to solve it.” Said 77 years old George Ndegwa.
Many blame leaders for neglecting them. This they give as a reason for the nose diving state of the area when it comes to development. 

River Dugudugu cutting across Kibanda hasara-Mwanda road
However they are hopeful with the current system of governance, now that the governor to Kwale county,  Salim Mvurya is a native of the area.

Despite being hopeful the residents want to see action. They now want to see development taking place for them to affirm that they made the right choice. 

This is something which may cause them to cast a vote of no confidence if they don’t see it happening soon.

"It will be better if we at least have a bridge. When it rains we cannot leave our homes. The rivers swell and there is nowhere to pass to the other side." said Omari a bodaboda operating in the area who also adds that at time they are force to try the raging waters while on transist.This is a hazardous practice which claims lives.
Dry river bed of R.Dugudugu where motorist pass through.

Equiping of schools and colleges is also wanting in the area. Making the residents starve from quality education with most of them dropping out at early stages and in return become parents at an early age.

Kwale is mainly an inland county, but it has coastline south of Mombasa. Diani Beach is part of the Msambweni division. Shimba Hills National Reserve and Mwaluganje elephant sanctuary are other attractions in the county.

Tuesday 24 December 2013


Teachers in Kilifi County want poor families to seek for educational assistance for their children instead of leaving them idling at home. Come after December 31 when KCPE results will be officially out.

Speaking at a social event sponsored by Bahari fm at Sarafina Children home, KNUT treasurer kilifi branch, Mr. Nasoro Matano told parents that making their children stay at home because of lack of school fees was no option.

“Let us not make our children stay at home because we cannot pay school fees. The future and prosperity of our children is in nothing else but education.” 

Mr. Nasoro urged parents to make use of the available avenues to ensure their children join secondary schools to get good education, citing CDF bursaries as one of the many opportunities there is.

“We have bursaries awarded to best performing students and pupils; I therefore find it hard to believe that we cannot educate our children. What is the use of bursaries if we make our children stay at home?” lamented Mr. Nasoro adding that parents should make use of the Knut office by seeking for assistance and guidance from him in regard to their children’s education.

Bahari fm's Head of radio, Wilmot Rex Nzaro encouraged the orphans to work hard in school for their future and properity depends on education.

“We want you not to feel inferior but be confident to conquer all odds and become better people in society. Work hard in school for education is the only way to prosperity." said Nzaro adding that they should not forget to pray to God, for he is the only provider.


A coastal radio station brought joy to over 100 orphans in Kilifi County, Kenya, this festive season.
In a campaign dubbed “Christmas na Bahari fm” the radio station under Royal Media Services (RMS) is reaching out to the less fortunate by giving them food, cooking oil, toiletries,stationeries and moral talks.  

Lead by the head of radio, Wilmot Rex Nzaro, the station delivered the goodies to orphans at Sarafina childrens home and Upendo orphans support project, both in kilifi town. 

“Christmas is all about caring for your neighbor. The less fortunate need something to celebrate about this festive season and that is why as Bahari fm we are here to bring joy to these lovely children.” Said Nzaro

While receiving the gifts the director at Sarafina Childrens home, Josephine Kache Kambi praised the radio station for not only informing the community but also benefiting the less fortunate.
“This is something we don’t see every day. It is truly a God’s blessing to us. Thank you for not only informing us but also caring for the less fortunate.”
Bahari fm's Head of Radio Wilmot Rex Nzaro and the director of Sarafina Childrens home, Josephine Kache Kambi speaking to the media.

She also called upon well wishers to support the children in whatever way they can. Terming lack of school fees and rent as the major challenges they are facing.
“As you all know raising these children is no easy task and it calls for you and me to provide them with the best. We depend on well wishers for funds. At the moment we need money to pay their school fees and rent.” said Kache

At Upendo orphans support project the chairperson, Mama Mwero echoed gratification to Bahari and the Methodist society for supporting the project since its inception. 

Upendo orphans project is runned by upendo Methodist women group in kilifi. The women formed the group after an increasing concern on the increasing number of street children in kilifi.

“We decided to begin this project to meet the needs of street children and those orphaned by HIV/AIDS. At first it was from our own pockets but now we have donors. Well wishers too come in handy to see a smooth running of the project.” said Mama Mwero 

Upendo provides food, education and support to over 60 children who stay with guardians in order to give them a family environment. On the other hand Sarafina children home has a small population but is also custody for juveniles and a rescue center for infants. It has a population of over twenty children, the youngest child being 2 and the eldest 15 years.

Bahari fm's morning show presenter Igweee with some of the children at Upendo.
 The children were encouraged to work hard and change the perception of the society.
“We want you not to feel inferior but be confident to conquer all odds and become better people in society. Work hard in school for education is the only way to prosperity. Do not forget to pray to God, for he is the only provider.” Said Nzaro
The campaign ends today after visiting and sharing a meal with prisoners at GK Prison, kilifi.

Sunday 22 December 2013


Scientists in Kenya have developed special porridge to fight worm infestations among school children in the country next year.
The porridge developed by Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is fortified with locally available natural deworming substances, The Daily Nation reports.
The paper adds that the porridge has already been distributed to several schools in Nyanza for the past one year as a pilot project aimed at fighting roundworms and hookworms.
Speaking to the paper, the head of infectious and parasitic Disease research program at kemri, prof Maritim Songo, said the pilot project was conducted in western Kenya because it has one of the highest infestation rate among school children.
He also termed intestinal worms as one of the major cause of sicknesses in school going children.
“It is estimated that a billion children and adults around the world are infested by worms, the most common ones being roundworms and hookworms.” He said