Thursday 31 October 2013

Willy Paul Rejects a Groupie Making Advances at Him on Facebook; Reports Her To The Police

It appears Gospel award-winning singer, Willy Paul has learnt from his past mistakes especially after the Pendo saga that really tarnished his name. Like I had mentioned to you a couple of weeks back, Willy Paul is not willing to chance anything and he means exactly that.
This afternoon, the “Lala Salama” exposed a certain groupie who allegedly purported to be Jaguar’s cousin claimed to be in a relationship with him. Willy Paul overtly denied her and gave her a piece of his mind.
The artist who is currently sitting for his O-levels exams claims that he has recorded a statement at the Central Police Station about cautions any girl that tries to mess up with him that he will not take it lying down.
People are crazy, now this is a warning to anyone planning to mess my name up. Today morning, a girl by the name quistina daniels posted that she was in a relationship with me and said alot of things about me. The truth of the matter is that i dnt know this girl. i saw the post n inboxed her but then she was so rude. She claims that shes jaguar’s cousin; i have spoken to jaguar n he doesn’t know her. shes making people believe that shes so close to me. Maybe shes trying to pull a celebrity stunt, well if thats what she wants then amepata and ataipata zaidi, her cas is at the central police station. No girl is gonna mess my name especially at this time of exams... zii!!!

Here is a small conversation of me asking her why she did that
• Willy Paul
mbona unanikosea heshima

10/23, 10:56pm
Quistina Daniels

10/23, 11:07pm
Quistina Daniels
Uuuuummmm willy.....AM DAMN SORRI 4 DWNG DART BUH YUH TRYNA THREATNG MIH.....T WONT WORK.....gwd luck n yuh exams nd um aout...

10/23, 11:09pm
Willy Paul
looking for fame, endfelea

10/23, 11:13pm
Quistina Daniels
Um not lookng for mih if i needed i would be very far ryt now..willy paul!!!!PLUS I THOT YUH DNT KNW MIH....WHY T

10/23, 11:14pm
Willy Paul
yes ki dnt know u~!!!!!!!!!!!!! leave me alone

10/23, 11:14pm
Quistina Daniels
TOkee t sme1 yuh dnt knw...wats that use....

10/23, 11:14pm
Willy Paul
youve started something kidogo, wait oune where it will land u
goodn day
n look for other men to play around with their names not me

10/23, 11:16pm
Quistina Daniels
Ummm i have juh ne word t describe yuh....son of GOD indeed dnt get n ma nerves....adious!!

10/23, 11:17pm
Willy Paul
leave me alone

10/23, 11:18pm
Quistina Daniels
Now yuh???Ooooh plzzzzzz have klasss.....nd yuh yuhxlf...let mih not start...!!!!Astigmatism.

10/23, 11:19pm
Quistina Daniels
Have i touched yuh t leave yuh allone.....i wunt take more CRAP from yuh....nkt.

Quistina Daniels
Yuh also leave me alone nd focus n yuh lyf i have had enough of yuh haeskuler.....!!

Willy Paul
Ur case is in central police station. What u started as a joke, has landed u in a risky position. Just continue everything u write will be used against u. How cn u say that we are in a relationship n u know that its not true

Quistina Daniels
I said um sooooory....or whch part of the word dnt yuh understand hapah.....sawar ts ova (this willy paul) saga z D.O.N.E!!

Willy Paul
U r going to jail. Ur immaturity itaishacentral police station

Quistina Daniels
Dnt want any of yuh abusing nd threatening words again willy.
I knw yuh are mad at mebuh find it in yuh heart t forgive me… um sorri
Abubakar..please focus on yuh exams.. future nd assume any word I have used
T yuh that is offensive …sikuagi hivyo.. nmekutolea picha mbaya xana yangu
Na ile nakuomba z that yuh forgive mih…I am usually a humble person na sipendangi
Issues kibao… I repeat again I admit yuh a nice guy na pole kwa kukuchomea
Picha fb..promise to clear it up ryt now… please usifanye hii issue ikupe stress
Wen dwng yuh exams…. NAKUPENDA. ( SITOLIA ) WILLY…
Willy Paul has spoken...(GHAFLA KENYA)

Derek and father during the race

Things do not always work the way you want them to be…Derek Redmond was favoured to medal in the Olympic 400 m sprint, 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona. 150 metres into the race Derek felt a searing pain in agony he felt to the ground with a tearing hamstring not willing to give up determined to finish the race, he limped on.
Breaking through security a man came to his side. It was his father. “you do not have to do this son” he said to Derek. In pain Derek replied “no I have to finish”. Father couldn’t let go of his son but he only had one choice to let his son do what he wanted. He said “well son we will do this together then”.
The two side by side ran the remaining metres, with a few paces left. Derek’s father let go of his son to finish the race, receiving a standing ovation from a crowd of over 65000.

Top 10 most powerful people - Forbes 2013

1) Vladimir Putin, Russian President
2) Barack Obama, US President
3) Xi Jinping, Chinese President
4) Pope Francis, Roman Catholic Church
5) Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
6) Bill Gates, co-chair, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
7) Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve chairman
8) Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud
9) Mario Draghi, European Central Bank president
10) Michael Duke, Wal-Mart CEO

David Beckham proves a real boss in the modern age

David Beckham's electronic launch of his latest book shows that the former England captain understands the new order as he joins the gold rush in Miami.
While his former manager Sir Alex Ferguson was traipsing up and down the British Isles promoting his autobiography, subjecting himself at various public appearances to potential death by sycophancy at the hands – and tongue – of Eamonn Holmes, required to scrawl his name on the title page of a tottering Himalaya of hard copies, David Beckham was publicising his latest tome in a rather less exhausting manner. The Daily Mail reports
On Wednesday he spent a couple of hours on Facebook engaging in electronic conversation with his fans, while signing his name on a few dozen selected virtual walls.
Ferguson may have spent much of the past week questioning his former charge’s relentless pursuit of celebrity, but on Wednesday showed the rewards of such labour.