Thursday 26 June 2014


Many ask what life is. It is a sum total of the choices we make every day. We are faced with issues to decide upon on a daily basis. We either make a good choice or a bad one but one thing is certain, we are the first beneficiaries of the choices we make.
The Macmillan English dictionary defines a choice as the opportunity or right to choose between different things.
Based on the same we can conclusively say every day is an exam. We either pass or fail the test of life. The question to ask ourselves therefore is, if we are to be graded at the end of the day, what grade will we get? It is this question that forces us to think of what our priorities really are. The same goes for what we value most.
Not everything that counts can be counted and not everything that counts can be counted. Meaning, not everything that looks good is going to be beneficial to us. We must focus ourselves on what really matters most.
Am reminded of a poem by Robert Frost - “The Road Not Taken” There is one particular line where he says, “Two roads diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” It gets to a time that we have to make a congruent decision. It might not be pleasing to many but it has to be taken any way. We must dare ourselves to be different.
 Make a choice to rise up and challenge the norm by not to conforming to the status quo. William Bryan summarizes this by saying “destiny is not a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice.”
If there’s something we should aspire to do, is make the right choices.
It is a race that we must run. Victory or defeat it’s up to us to decide. We cannot expect to win if we don’t run. What we are today is a matter of the choice we made in the past. Therefore it is never too late because we can make good choices today and influence tomorrow. Remember it’s your journey, people may walk with you but no one will walk for you.
You will choose to make the right choices, won’t you?

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