Tuesday 24 December 2013


Teachers in Kilifi County want poor families to seek for educational assistance for their children instead of leaving them idling at home. Come after December 31 when KCPE results will be officially out.

Speaking at a social event sponsored by Bahari fm at Sarafina Children home, KNUT treasurer kilifi branch, Mr. Nasoro Matano told parents that making their children stay at home because of lack of school fees was no option.

“Let us not make our children stay at home because we cannot pay school fees. The future and prosperity of our children is in nothing else but education.” 

Mr. Nasoro urged parents to make use of the available avenues to ensure their children join secondary schools to get good education, citing CDF bursaries as one of the many opportunities there is.

“We have bursaries awarded to best performing students and pupils; I therefore find it hard to believe that we cannot educate our children. What is the use of bursaries if we make our children stay at home?” lamented Mr. Nasoro adding that parents should make use of the Knut office by seeking for assistance and guidance from him in regard to their children’s education.

Bahari fm's Head of radio, Wilmot Rex Nzaro encouraged the orphans to work hard in school for their future and properity depends on education.

“We want you not to feel inferior but be confident to conquer all odds and become better people in society. Work hard in school for education is the only way to prosperity." said Nzaro adding that they should not forget to pray to God, for he is the only provider.

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