Thursday 26 December 2013


Residents at Mavirivirini village, Mwatate location, Kwale County have raised a concern about the poor state of infrastructure in the area.  Mwatate, which is surrounded by rivers, has been without bridges for long.

“We have a big problem when it rains. The river floods and we have no option but wait until it subsides. It has been so since I was young and I have seen no plans to solve it.” Said 77 years old George Ndegwa.
Many blame leaders for neglecting them. This they give as a reason for the nose diving state of the area when it comes to development. 

River Dugudugu cutting across Kibanda hasara-Mwanda road
However they are hopeful with the current system of governance, now that the governor to Kwale county,  Salim Mvurya is a native of the area.

Despite being hopeful the residents want to see action. They now want to see development taking place for them to affirm that they made the right choice. 

This is something which may cause them to cast a vote of no confidence if they don’t see it happening soon.

"It will be better if we at least have a bridge. When it rains we cannot leave our homes. The rivers swell and there is nowhere to pass to the other side." said Omari a bodaboda operating in the area who also adds that at time they are force to try the raging waters while on transist.This is a hazardous practice which claims lives.
Dry river bed of R.Dugudugu where motorist pass through.

Equiping of schools and colleges is also wanting in the area. Making the residents starve from quality education with most of them dropping out at early stages and in return become parents at an early age.

Kwale is mainly an inland county, but it has coastline south of Mombasa. Diani Beach is part of the Msambweni division. Shimba Hills National Reserve and Mwaluganje elephant sanctuary are other attractions in the county.

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