Sunday 7 September 2014


They always say time waits for no man not even the king for it flies. However they forget to say who the pilot that flies time is.
Speaking of time do you know it is less than 120 days until we draw the curtains of the year? Yes it is September and the rains are here with us. This Perhaps will wash away our sweat and tears rejuvenating our strength for the last quota of the year.
Soon thereafter it will be the start of a New Year and once again most of us will set New Year’s resolutions. And it is likely that only a few of us will realize them. The rest, who will have been carried by the wind of setting New Year’s resolutions, will fall into a trap of wishful thinking. Then thereafter vehemently say there was no enough time to actualize what they had in mind, forgetting that it has and will never be enough.
Making me wonder why people fail to implement their resolutions and realize their ambitions. Is it because we don’t know that we are the pilots that fly time? And we are to blame when we fail to follow the route taking us to our predetermined destinations.
Therefore, I am justified when I say you are in a time crunch if your resolutions have remained to be just statements you wrote on a piece of paper at the beginning of the year. No need to worry this piece is meant to shade light on how you can make in the coming year if not in the remaining months.
It all starts by realizing time is an important factor when it comes to success.
It is true that many businesses will fold before the year ends because of poor planning, many students’ dreams will be shuttered because of factors they did not anticipate and many marriages and families will break up because of misunderstandings. These are situations that could have been avoided had they been solved in time. Remember a stitch in time save nine.
Therefore, success remains the reserve of those with determination, commitment and willingness to work hard. It is not a raffle ticket that depends on mere luck but it is achieved by creating chances. More so seizing opportunities when they present themselves. Remember opportunity knocks once. When it knocks, will you be able to seize it or will procrastination rob you the only golden opportunity?
There you go; it was only once that you postponed to tomorrow what you could do on that day. Well you unnecessarily made yourself unconfident and out of control when you made that decision. Therefore always stick to your deadlines because this will make you feel “the boss”-confident and in control.
Nevertheless, we should cultivate an attitude of patience and cut our cloak according to our cloth. Plan only for what you can achieve within a given time. Do not bite more than that you can chew-it will choke you. And remember, Rome was not built in a single day.
Being principled is also a key ingredient to success’ recipe and managing time well but standing by one’s principle is not always easy. This is because we live in a society where there is pressure to conform to standards that are always not our own.
This does not always bring happiness- I must confess, but instead can bring ruin and even self-loathing. Instead of struggling to be equal with neighbours, we should appreciate our uniqueness as individuals. Only then will society recognise us as achievers, the pacesetters of our time.
As the saying goes man is no Island you definitely need friends to succeed in the search for success. But choosing acquaintances calls for critical thinking, a considerable observation and lots of experience, for not all friends are good friends. Some are there to pull us down. They are better known as wolfs in sheep clothing. They are not worth your time. Always go for those who will advise, revive your enthusiasm and vitality for realizing your dreams. Keep off from negative people who will destroy your self-esteem.
Last but not least do not get caught in a single pursuit for money and power. If you didn’t know, money is the core of all evil and absolute power is not good - it corrupts. Both can make us loose trust in our friends and loved ones leaving us languishing in a spell of sadness. Money and power cannot buy you happiness, can it? 
Finally we should all seek forgiveness and reconciliation to those we may have hurt and vice versa. This will bring peace and there is no successful man more than the one who finds peace in whatever he does. Enough said. Now captain you are clear to take off and have a safe flight, over.

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