Sunday 19 April 2015


It takes less than five seconds for one to draw conclusion of your personality traits when you meet for the first time. It is during this time that one gets a perspective of who you are, that is your character, competence and conduct. To create a good impression is therefore to exhibit positives of everything a person will judge you about once you meet. It is almost impossible to undo a first impression. In here are some of the ways of creating a good first impression. 

Prepare ahead of time.
This involves researching and familiarizing yourself with the company and its current events. You can do this by visiting the company website. Learn other details such as company policies and their approach to clients or other businesses. This will help you appear knowledgeable. Other than researching, preparation may also involve prepping yourself on things like posture. 

Be on time.
 With all the knowledge about the company or the people you are going to meet, arrive at the interview place on time. It will help you compose yourself and it also gives a clear message of being a responsible person. Remember time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. Why would anyone find you competent if you do not arrive on time? Also, someone you meet for the first time may not be interested in excuses however good they are. Arriving late could get you confused and all the content you have to make it in the interview may disappear!

Present yourself appropriately.
Before you speak or make physical reaction to anything, your appearance is the first thing that will give someone your impression. Does your dressing which includes clothes, shoes, jewelry and makeup communicate the correct thing to create a good impression? If properly done, that is correct and tidy dressing; it will help you feel calm and confident, which is plus in creating a good first impression. 

Be yourself.
Your individuality can make you create a good and lasting first impression. Being yourself will help you be at ease and display the right body language. You may not totally conform to your individuality because obviously you are not perfect but it will help be appropriate for the meeting. This can take you back to your dressing. As much as you are dressed correctly for the event, are you comfortable and at ease with your dressing? Is it the style you are used to? Once your dressing doesn’t make you comfortable, you may start feeling uneasy and that will definitely give a wrong impression of you.
Set an intention. On setting an intention, one will be able to focus on the exact thing or reason for this first meeting. Once the mind is aware of the need to hit the note, you will be able to achieve the best. The intention here is not just to get the job but first to create a good and lasting impression.

Do not forget to be courteous.
Do not overlook the common sense that are not common such as standing up when shaking a hand of another person joining in, not interrupting someone speaking and not banging the door or leaving it fly to close on its not own.

Remember you never get a second chance to create a first impression, therefore, take your time and prepare to give your best in creating a good and lasting first impression. 

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